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Small Business Server 2000 Product Information

Microsoft Small Business Server 2000 is the network solution that makes it possible for small business customers to Internet-enable their businesses, manage and grow customer relationships, and enhance employee productivity. Small Business Server 2000 includes Microsoft Windows 2000 Server, plus Windows 2000 Server�based solutions for e-mail, fax, database, and secure, shared Internet access.

Small Business Server 2000 Product Overview
Whether it is getting your business onto the Internet, managing customer relationships, or increasing employee productivity, Small Business Server 2000 will answer your business network needs. Discover how in this at-a-glance guide.
Small Business Server Features Overview
Delve into detailed descriptions of new and updated components and suite integration features that are designed to simplify server deployment and management.
Small Business Server 2000 Technology Guarantee
Learn how you can upgrade Small Business Server 4.5 to Small Business Server 2000 for free. Get the details and conditions here.
System Requirements
Study system requirements for Small Business Server 2000.
How Does Linux Compare?
Get a detailed comparison of Linux with Small Business Server.
How Does Novell Compare?
Read how Small Business Server outperforms Novell.